Social Science
Supervisor Name
Dr. Jessica Grahn, Dr. Christina Vanden Bosch der Nederlanden
music, language, classification, speech, song, thematic analysis
Using data collected through a previously administered music and language survey, we conducted a mixed model analysis of open-ended survey responses to questions regarding differences between music and language, and (more specifically) differences between the sound features of speech and song. We found that adult participants tended to provide responses related to the higher-level themes of function and realization, whilst children uniquely gave concrete answers. This exploratory study will guide future research in the field of speech and song classification, as well as music and language more generally.
Thank you to my research partner, Seth Prakhar, as well as our supervisors, Dr. Christina Vanden Bosch der Nederlanden, Dr. Jessica Grahn, and the rest of the Grahn Lab, as well as the Brain and Mind Institute, Western, the Faculty of Social Science and the USRI program.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 License
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Speech and song classification themes across childhood and adulthood
Using data collected through a previously administered music and language survey, we conducted a mixed model analysis of open-ended survey responses to questions regarding differences between music and language, and (more specifically) differences between the sound features of speech and song. We found that adult participants tended to provide responses related to the higher-level themes of function and realization, whilst children uniquely gave concrete answers. This exploratory study will guide future research in the field of speech and song classification, as well as music and language more generally.