Scholarship@Western - Undergraduate Student Research Internships Conference: Simulating 129-Xe Hyperpolarization



Supervisor Name

Dr. Alexei Ouriadov


MRI, Xenon Hyperpolarization, Physics Simulation, MATLAB, Simulink


Hyperpolarized 129-Xe is an important resource in many fields of medical physics and MRI research. The physics of the efficient production of hyperpolarized 129-Xe is therefore equally worth investigation. The main process of hyperpolarizing 129-Xe is Spin Exchange Optical Pumping (SEOP) and is dependent on several physical factors that can be difficult to constantly change in a lab setting. Physical modelling of 129-Xe hyperpolarization allows for the more efficient testing of hyperpolarization physics in a wide array of experimental setups to better determine the optimal values for hyperpolarization. This research project attempted to create a working model for 129-Xe hyperpolarization using MATLAB and Simulink with the physical modelling Simscape library, finding varying levels of success when compared to experimentally determined values.


I would like to acknowledge Western University and the USRI program for funding this research.

I would like to acknowledge Alexei Ouriadov of Western University for his role in supervising my project, and the wide array of valuable support he offered me during my time as his research assistant. This project would not have been possible without his support.

I would also like to acknowledge Boyd Goodson of Southern Illinois University for generously offering his expertise and assisting with the creation of the project output.

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.

Document Type




Simulating 129-Xe Hyperpolarization

Hyperpolarized 129-Xe is an important resource in many fields of medical physics and MRI research. The physics of the efficient production of hyperpolarized 129-Xe is therefore equally worth investigation. The main process of hyperpolarizing 129-Xe is Spin Exchange Optical Pumping (SEOP) and is dependent on several physical factors that can be difficult to constantly change in a lab setting. Physical modelling of 129-Xe hyperpolarization allows for the more efficient testing of hyperpolarization physics in a wide array of experimental setups to better determine the optimal values for hyperpolarization. This research project attempted to create a working model for 129-Xe hyperpolarization using MATLAB and Simulink with the physical modelling Simscape library, finding varying levels of success when compared to experimentally determined values.


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