

Supervisor Name

Lyle Muller and Jan Minac


Spectral Graph Theory, Network, Mathematics


Our topic of study was Spectral Graph Theory. We studied the algebraic methods used to study the properties of graphs (networks) and became familiar with the applications of network analysis. We spent a significant amount of time studying the way virus’s spread on networks, with particular applications to Covid-19. We also investigated the relationship between graph spectra and structural properties.


We'd like to thank both Dr. Lyle Muller and Dr. Jan Minac for guiding us throughout out research this summer

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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.

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Adj Mat From Graph Ex..mp4 (277 kB)
Example of an adjacency matrix generated from a grah

Closed Walk of Len 4 Ex..mp4 (146 kB)
Example of a closed walk of length 4

Event Website




Spectral Graph Theory and Research

Our topic of study was Spectral Graph Theory. We studied the algebraic methods used to study the properties of graphs (networks) and became familiar with the applications of network analysis. We spent a significant amount of time studying the way virus’s spread on networks, with particular applications to Covid-19. We also investigated the relationship between graph spectra and structural properties.



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