Document Type


Publication Date

June 2019







First Page


URL with Digital Object Identifier

DOI 10.7759/cureus.4807


IntroductionPatients undergoing adjuvant radiotherapy to the breast often experience radiation dermatitisranging from mild erythema to moist desquamation. In post-lumpectomy patients, the axillaand inframammary fold are at an increased risk for friction dermatitis. Dermatitis can impactpatients’ quality-of-life and may require treatment break/cessation. Our objectives are to assessthe efficacy of 3M Cavilon Barrier Film (BF) in preventing and/or delaying the onset of gradetwodermatitis and reducing patient-reported sensation scores.MethodsA total of 55 patients were randomized to receive BF on the medial or lateral breast. BF wasapplied twice weekly during treatment. Skin toxicity was evaluated weekly by a blinded clinicalinvestigator using the Skin Toxicity Assessment Tool (STAT) and the modified RadiationTherapy Oncology Group Visual Assessment Score (RTOG VAS). On day one, baselinephotographs were taken; seven-to-ten days post-treatment, patients returned for photographs,the STAT/RTOG VAS, and patient-opinion questions in the form of the global questionnaire.ResultsThe paired analysis found BF did not significantly reduce dermatitis either during or posttreatment.However, the unpaired analysis found significantly reduced RTOG VAS on the lateralcompartment during treatment (BF:0.91 vs. Control:1.21, p = 0.0408). This difference resolvedpost-treatment. Additionally, BF was able to reduce pruritus (p = 0.047) on the medialcomponents and burning sensations on the lateral components (p = 0.035). There was nosignificant difference between the time-to-onset or proportion of patients who developedgrade-two dermatitis.ConclusionIn an unpaired analysis, BF significantly reduced dermatitis on the lateral compartment duringtreatment. Additionally, BF significantly reduced pruritus and burning sensations. A largerstudy using a more reliable scoring method is required to clarify the effect of BF on radiationassociatedskin toxicity.


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