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Publication Date

January 2015


Absttract: Background and objective Resilience which is a neurobiological and behavioral construct may modulate psychopathological trajectory as a ‘final common pathway’ for suicide behavior. Since it allows people to adapt to adversity and bounce back to normalcy, treatments based upon modifcation of resilience may be a possibility. Objective of this prospective, cross-sectional study was to examine association of resilience and suicidality in individuals with psychiatric disorders attending Regional RMHC, St. Thomas and London. Method We measured level of resilience by using Connor-Davidson scale (CD-RISC, cut-off 60), suicidality by Scale for Impact of Suicidality Management, Assessment and Planning of Care brief screener (SIS-MAP bcn, cut-off 8) and psychopathology by psychosis, depression and level of stress using standard tools. Results Out of 78 patients, 34 had low suicidality and 44 had high suicidality. Significantly fewer patients who scored more than 60 on CD-RISC (suggesting high resiliency) were having severe suicidality as measured by SISMAP ( 7 (31.8%) Vs 37 (66.1%) p=0.006). Resilience had consistent negative correlation with severity of Suicidality (r = -0.424, p= .012, CD-RISK <60 vs.> 60, SISMAP score (35.1 vs. 22.8 p=.004).More number of patients showing a positive response (a score of 3 -5 as against 0-2 - poor response) on independent item of CD-RISC had statistically significant level of ‘low suicidality’ on 14 out of 25 items. Conclusion: This study shows that high resilience is associated with low suicidality. Specific factors of resilience associated with suicidality are identifiable. Resilience may therefore be one of the factors determining severity of suicide. Implication: This study has two main implications (1) in exploration of psychopathology of suicide from ‘ideation to-attempt’ and (2) exploring possibilities of ‘resilience building treatments’ for risk reduction, particularly from public health perspectives. Address for correspondence Amresh Srivastava, Parkwoor Institute (Mental Health Care Building ), London.ON E mail: / amresh.srivastava@sjhc,london.on.cs
