Theses/Dissertations from 2016
Ethics and Responsibility of Post-Colonial Allyness, Michael T. Hajik
Living Perception in Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Mary McLevey
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
An Esoteric Doctrine: Nietzsche's Politics and Way of Life, Andrew Evans
Historiography in French Theory, Eric J. Guzzi
De Heidegger à Henry, critique de la transcendance et phénoménologie du corps vivant, Vincent Marzano-Poitras
Lacan's Cybernetics, Svitlana Matviyenko
Viral Possibilities: Media, the Body, and the Phenomenon of Infection, Daniel McFadden
Guilty Subjects: The Biopolitical Function of Guilt in Neoliberal States, David Miller
Addiction: the colonization of rituals, Matthew Prokopiw
Jouissance and Being in Lacanian Discourse, Mazen Saleh
Theorizing an Online Politics: How the Internet is Reconfiguring Political Space, Subjectivity, Participation, and Conflict, Trevor G. Smith
Praesentia Sublimis: Studies in the Differend, Dylan T. Vaughan
For the Good of the Thing, Sarah Louise Kristine Warren
Animal Justice: Following Derrida & Other Animals, Andrew Weiss
Schelling's Naturalism: Motion, Space, and the Volition of Thought, Ben Woodard
Agoraphobia And Emptiness: Theoretical Considerations From A Psychoanalytic Perspective, Sheena L. Yates
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Deleuze Through Wittgenstein: Essays in Transcendental Empiricism, M. Curtis Allen
Crossing the Law: Trans Activism, Aleatory Materialism, and the Analyst's Discourse, Christopher M. Bomba
Deleuze's Apocalypse, Grant Dempsey
A Photographer Develops: Reading Robinson, Rejlander, and Cameron, Jonathan R. Fardy
Producing Undecidability: Placing History in the Work of Jacques Rancière, Scott Herder
Literature in the Archive of Terror: Badiou, Blanchot, Beckett, Christopher Langlois
Preservationist Aesthetics: Memory, Trauma and the New Global Enclosures, Kate Lawless
Space, Territory, Occupy: Towards a Non-Phenomenological Dwelling, Brett Mommersteeg
Epistemology of the Cartesian Image, Mikhail Pozdniakov
Experiencing Nothing: Anxiety and the Philosophy of Alain Badiou, William E. Rankin IV
Thinking Across Worlds: Indigenous Thought, Relational Ontology, and the Politics of Nature; Or, If Only Nietzsche Could Meet A Yachaj, Jarrad Reddekop
Food Ontology and Distribution: Ethical Perception and the Food Object, Siobhan M. Watters
Sculpted Selves, Sculpted Worlds: Plasticity and Habit in the Thought of Catherine Malabou, Thomas Wormald
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Basic Cable: Notes Toward Digital Ontology, Robbie Cormier
Maurice Merleau-Ponty and Hannah Arendt: The Intersection of Institution, Natality, and Birth, Nathaniel Coward
The Orpheus Figure: The Voice in Writing, Music and Media, Jason R. D'Aoust
Extra-Capitalist Thought, Karen Dewart McEwen
The Violence of Aesthetics: Benjamin, Kane, Bolaño, Nicholas A. Fagundo
Hegel's Unconscious: Analyzing Matter in the Philosophy of Nature, Andrew Kingston
Talking Nonsense: Spiritual Mediums and Female Subjectivity in Victorian and Edwardian Canada, Claudie Massicotte
Life Beyond Politics: Toward the Notion of the Unpolitical, Inna Viriasova
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Composing the Cities of Flow: Unitary Urbanism and the Ontology of Water Infrastructure, Angus R. Currie
Shame and the Sharing of Existence, Noel A. Glover
Securing Populations: Foucault and the Cartography of Natural Bodies, Andrew A.T. Grant
In the Fullness of Time: M. M. Bakhtin, In Discourse and in Life, James C. Hall
City Limits: A Psychoanalysis of Urbanism and Everyday Life, Mark F. Jull
Biopolitics of Climate Change: Carbon Commodities, Environmental Profanations, and the Lost Innocence of Use-Value, Emanuele Leonardi
The Cruelty of Reading: Reading and Writing in the Works of Friedrich Schelling, Marc D. Mazur
Antropofagia and Constructive Universalism: A Diptych, Aarnoud Rommens
The Cleaving of House and Home: A Lacanian Analysis of Architectural Aesthetics, Sarah E. Thorne
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Austerity in America, Stephen R. Gray Jibb
Romantic Anarche: The Philosophical and Literary Anarchism of William Godwin, Jared M. McGeough
Theses/Dissertations from 2010
Outlawry and the Experience of the (Im)possible: Deconstructing Biopolitics, Mary J. Bunch