SASAH 4th Year Capstone and Other Projects: Presentations

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Publication Date

Fall 12-1-2023


This presentation overviews the internships I completed for my SASAH experiential learning credit. I begin by introducing my copywriting internship at Osborne Holdings, which I completed remotely in the winter and spring of 2022, and the goals I had going into the experience. I review the schedule and expectations, as well as the final deliverables and outcomes of the internship. After, I move on to discuss my editorial internship at 845 Press and the Temz Review from the summer of 2023. I developed this internship alongside Professor Aaron Schneider at Western University to create editorial opportunities for students aspiring to enter the publishing industry. I overview the two manuscripts I worked on, “Swing, Swing” and “Civilian of Dirt”, as well as the responsibilities and outcomes that came with editing and formatting these chapbooks to put the final product together. I end by reflecting on these experiences as a whole and how they will affect my career path going forward.
