
Submissions from 2010


In Vivo Detection of PARACEST Agents with Relaxation Correction, Craig K. Jones, Alex X. Li, Mojmír Suchý, Robert H. E. Hudson, Ravi S. Menon, and Robert Bartha


Synthesis of MRI Contrast Agents Derived from DOTAM-Gly-L-Phe-OH Incorporating a Disulfide Bridge: Conjugation to a Cell Penetrating Peptide and Preparation of a Dimeric Agent, Mojmír Suchý, Alex X. Li, Robert Bartha, and Robert H. E. Hudson


A Paramagnetic Chemical Exchange-based MRI Probe Metabolized by Cathepsin D: Design, Synthesis and Cellular Uptake Studies, Mojmír Suchý, Robert Ta, Alex X. Li, Filip Wojciechowski, Stephen H. Pasternak, Robert Bartha, and Robert H. E. Hudson


D-dimensional Bose Gases and the Lambert W Function, J. Tanguay, M. Gil, D. J. Jeffrey, and S. R. Valluri


Fused Whole-Heart Coronary and Myocardial Scar Imaging Using 3-T CMR: Implications for Planning of Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy and Coronary Revascularization, James A. White, Nowell Fine, Lorne J. Gula, Raymond Yee, Mohammed Al-Admawi, Qi Zhang, Andrew Krahn, Allan Skanes, Anna MacDonald, Terry Peters, and Maria Drangova

Submissions from 2009


A Fully Automated Non-external Marker 4D-CT Sorting Algorithm Using a Serial Cine Scanning Protocol, Greg Carnes, Stewart Gaede, Edward Yu, Jake Van Dyk, Jerry Battista, and Ting-Yim Lee


The Use of CT Density Changes at Internal Tissue Interfaces to Correlate Internal Organ Motion with an External Surrogate, Stewart Gaede, Gregory Carnes, Edward Yu, Jake Van Dyk, Jerry Battista, and Ting-Yim Lee


Optimized MRI Contrast for On-resonance Proton Exchange Processes of PARACEST Agents in Biological Systems, Alex X. Li, Mojmir Suchy, Craig K. Jones, Robert H. E. Hudson, Ravi S. Menon, and Robert Bartha


Enzyme-Sensitive Magnetic Resonance Imaging Targeting Myeloperoxidase Identifies Active Inflammation in Experimental Rabbit Atherosclerotic Plaques, John A. Ronald, John W. Chen, Yuanxin Chen, Amanda M. Hamilton, Elisenda Rodriguez, Fred Reynolds, Robert A. Hegele, Kem A. Rogers, Manel Querol, Alexei Bogdanov, Ralph Weissleder, and Brian K. Rutt


Comparison of Gadofluorine-M and Gd-DTPA for Noninvasive Staging of Atherosclerotic Plaque Stability Using MRI, John A. Ronald, Yuanxin Chen, Andre J.-L. Belisle, Amanda M. Hamilton, Kem A. Rogers, Robert A. Hegele, Bernd Misselwitz, and Brian K. Rutt


Clinical Field-strength MRI of Amyloid Plaques Induced by Low-level Cholesterol Feeding in Rabbits, John A. Ronald, Yuanxin Chen, Lisa Bernas, Hagen H. Kitzler, Kem A. Rogers, Robert A. Hegele, and Brian K. Rutt


In vivo Micro-CT Analysis of Bone Remodeling in a Rat Calvarial Defect Model, Joseph U. Umoh, Arthur V. Sampaio, Ian Welch, Vasek Pitelka, Harvey A. Goldberg, T. Michael Underhill, and David W. Holdsworth


Abnormal Myocardial Perfusion in Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy: Preliminary Findings of a Cardiovascular MRI Study, James A. White, Sarah Armstrong, Mohammed Al-Admawi, Sherryn Rambihar, Gerald Wisenberg, Ivonna Verschuur, Anna MacDonald, Cyndi Harper-Little, Aaron So, Ting-Yim Lee, Frank Prato, and Terry Thompson

Submissions from 2008


Connectivity of the Primate Superior Colliculus Mapped by Concurrent Microstimulation and Event-Related fMRI, Courtney B. Field, Kevin Johnston, Joseph S. Gati, Ravi S. Menon, and Stefan Everling


MIRA V: An Integrated System for Minimally Invasive Robot-assisted Lung Brachytherapy, A. L. Trejos, A. W. Lin, S. Mohan, H. Bassan, C. Edirisinghe, R. V. Patel, C. Lewis, E. Yu, A. Fenster, and R. A. Malthaner

Submissions from 2007


Quantitative and Qualitative Differences in Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue Stores across Lipodystrophy Types Shown by Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Salam A. Al-Attar, Rebecca L. Pollex, John F. Robinson, Brooke A. Miskie, Rhonda Walcarius, Cynthia Harper Little, Brian K. Rutt, and Robert A. Hegele


Forced Mobilization Accelerates Pathogenesis: Characterization of a Preclinical Surgical Model of Osteoarthritis, C Thomas G. Appleton, David D. McErlain, Vasek Pitelka, Neil Schwartz, Suzanne M. Bernier, James L. Henry, David W. Holdsworth, and Frank Beier


Obstructive Sleep Apnea in 2 Women with Familial Partial Lipodystrophy due to a Heterozygous LMNA R482Q Mutation, Robert A. Hegele, Salam A. Al-Attar, and Brian K. Rutt


3D Thoracoscopic Ultrasound Volume Measurement Validation in an Ex Vivo and In Vivo Porcine Model of Lung Tumours, V. D. M. Hornblower, E. Yu, A. Fenster, J. J. Battista, and R. A. Malthaner

Submissions from 2006


Semi-automated Segmentation and Quantification of Adipose Tissue in Calf and Thigh by MRI: A Preliminary Study in Patients with Monogenic Metabolic Syndrome, Salam A. Al-Attar, Rebecca L. Pollex, John F. Robinson, Brooke A. Miskie, Rhonda Walcarius, Brian K. Rutt, and Robert A. Hegele


Carotid Ultrasound Phenotypes in Vulnerable Populations, Silvia A. Riccio, Andrew A. House, J. David Spence, Aaron Fenster, and Grace Parraga

Submissions from 2005


A Comparison of Ultrasound Measurements to Assess Carotid Atherosclerosis Development in Subjects with and without Type 2 Diabetes, Rebecca L. Pollex, J. David Spence, Andrew A. House, Aaron Fenster, Anthony J. G. Hanley, Bernard Zinman, Stewart B. Harris, and Robert A. Hegele

Submissions from 2000


HDL-cholesterol-raising Effect of Orange Juice in Subjects with Hypercholesterolemia, Elzbieta M. Kurowska, J. David Spence, John Jordan, Stephen Wetmore, David J. Freeman, Leonard A. Piché, and Paula Serratore