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Journal of Early Hearing Detection and Intervention





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Purpose: Best practice recommendations for Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) programs include routine spoken language outcome monitoring. The present article reports on pilot data that evaluated the usability and feasibility of a spoken language outcome monitoring procedure developed for Ontario’s Infant Hearing Program (IHP). This procedure included both Program-level monitoring using omnibus language tests from birth to 6 years of age and individual vulnerability monitoring of key domains of spoken language known to be at risk in children who are deaf or hard of hearing.

Methodology: Speech-language pathologists (SLPs) in the IHP piloted the new procedures for one year and provided feedback on the procedure through surveys at the end of the pilot.

Results: Data was suggestive that the Program-level procedure might be sensitive to change over time and known predictors of spoken language outcomes. Some, but not all, Program-level test scores were predicted by the presence of additional developmental factors. None of the test scores were significantly predicted by severity of hearing loss. Depending on the tests and scores used, some aspects of the Program-level procedure were sensitive to change over time. There was insufficient evidence to support individual vulnerability monitoring. SLPs reported significant concerns about the time involved in implementing both procedures.

Conclusions: This article describes preliminary evidence suggesting that the Program-level procedure might be feasible to implement and useful for evaluating EHDI programs. Future evaluations are needed to determine whether the procedure can be accurately implemented to scale in the IHP, and whether the data that results from the procedure can meaningfully inform stakeholders’ decision-making.


First published in the Journal of Early Hearing Detection and Intervention.

Recommended Citation:

Daub, O. Cunningham, B. Bagatto, M. P. & Oram Cardy, J. (2022). Usability and Feasibility of a Spoken Language Outcome Monitoring Procedure in a Canadian Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Program: Results of a 1-Year Pilot. Journal of Early Hearing Detection and Intervention, 7(1), 67-100. DOI:

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