Political Science Publications

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Hill Times


The article "When planning nuclear waste sites in Canada, consider Ukraine’s potential nuclear crisis" by Erika Simpson discusses the implications of nuclear waste management in Canada in light of the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. The author emphasizes the lessons learned from the war in Ukraine, particularly regarding the vulnerabilities of nuclear power plants during conflicts, such as the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant. The article highlights the challenges of safely storing and managing high-level nuclear waste in Canada, proposing sites near significant water basins like the Great Lakes and Hudson’s Bay. The author stresses the importance of involving local communities and Indigenous Peoples in the decision-making process to ensure the long-term safety and security of nuclear waste storage. The piece calls for a comprehensive and consent-based approach to nuclear waste management, taking into account the potential risks and intergenerational impacts posed by nuclear power and waste.


First published in The Hill Times, Canada' foremost foreign and defense policy magazine.

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