Paediatrics Publications
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Experimental Neurology
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Whether dramatic or modest, recovery of neurological function after spinal cord injury (SCI) is greatly due to neuroplasticity - the process by which the nervous system responds to injury by establishing new synaptic connections or by altering the strength of existing synapses. However, the same neuroplasticity that allows locomotor function to recover also produces negative consequences such as pain and dysfunction of organs controlled by the autonomic nervous system. In this review we focus specifically on structural neuroplasticity (the growth of new synaptic connections) after SCI and on the consequent development of pain and autonomic dysreflexia, a condition of episodic hypertension. Neuroplasticity after SCI is stimulated by the deafferentation of spinal neurons below the lesion and by the expression of growth-promoting neurotrophins such as nerve growth factor (NGF). A broad range of therapeutic strategies that affect neuroplasticity is being developed for the treatment of SCI. At one end of the spectrum are therapeutic strategies that directly or indirectly increase NGF in the injured spinal cord, and have the most robust effects on neuroplasticity. At the other end of the spectrum are neuroprotective strategies focused on supporting and rescuing uninjured, or partially injured, axons; these might limit the deafferentation stimulus for neuroplasticity. In the middle of this spectrum are strategies that block axon growth inhibitors without necessarily providing a growth stimulus. The literature supports the view that the negative consequences of neuroplasticity develop more commonly with therapies that directly stimulate nerve growth than they develop in the untreated injured cord. Compared to these conditions, neuroplasticity with negative outcomes is less prevalent after treatments that that neutralize axon growth inhibitors, and least apparent after strategies that promote neuroprotection. © 2011 Elsevier Inc..