Oncology Publications
TU-C-WAB-01: Accuracy Requirements and Uncertainty Considerations in Radiation Therapy
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Medical Physics
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Recent years have seen major advances in the technology of radiation oncology allowing for a transition from 2‐D radiation therapy (RT) to 3‐D conformal RT, intensity modulated RT (IMRT), image‐guided RT (IGRT), adaptive RT (ART), and 4‐D imaging and motion management in RT. Brachytherapy procedures have evolved both for high dose rate (HDR) techniques as well as permanent implants, and image‐guided brachytherapy is the modern standard. While a number of publications have defined accuracy needs in radiation oncology, most of these reports were developed in an era with different radiation technologies and date back to the 1980s and 90s. In view of modern treatment procedures, improvements in dosimetry methodologies, and new clinical dose‐volume data, the AAPM 2011 summer school dealt with uncertainties in external beam radiation therapy and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is completing a new guidance document on “Accuracy Requirements and Uncertainties in Radiation Therapy”. This symposium will review the latest information on accuracy requirements and uncertainty considerations in radiation therapy in terms of radiobiological rationale, clinical needs and a practical reality check.
Learning Objectives:
1. To review historical and current data related to accuracy and uncertainties in the overall radiation treatment process.
2. To provide a radiobiological rationale for accuracy considerations in RT.
3. To provide a clinical rationale for accuracy considerations in RT.
4. To review recent data demonstrating realistically achievable accuracy levels in RT.