OCHREsearch Inaugural Conference: Exploring the Material History of Cultural Heritage | Western University


OCHREsearch and McMaster Museum of Art invite you to the inaugural symposium on the theme of technical research in cultural heritage to be held December 10th, 2015 at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.

The aim of the OCHREsearch Symposium is to provide a forum to share and promote the use of collaborative technical research in the field of cultural heritage studies. The scope of this symposium is broad, covering applications in fields of art and art history, conservation science, and archaeological science including research on metals, ceramics, pigments, glass, resins, fibres, imaging techniques, and forensic applications.

We invite submissions for oral presentations on the theme of technical research in cultural heritage. Technical art history (or art and culture technology) focuses on collaborative approaches for enhanced understanding of a work of art or artifact. New information about the materials, fabrication, history and condition of the physical object is obtained through state-of-the-art scientific analysis and collaborative technical study by a cross-disciplinary team of experts. The conference is jointly organized by the OCHREsearch Group and the McMaster Museum of Art (McMaster University).

As part of the OCHREsearch Symposium, we will also welcome guests to attend a reception on the evening of December 10th at the McMaster Museum of Art for a Keynote Address by Dr. Melanie Gifford, titled Reattribution of an early work by Willem van Aelst: the role of technical studies, and the viewing of the exhibition The Unvarnished Truth: Exploring the Material History of Paintings.

This web site is hosted by Western University. Western University representatives of OCHREsearch are Madalena Kozachuk, Dr. T. K. Sham and Dr. Ronald Martin from the Department of Chemistry and Dr. Andrew Nelson from the Department of Anthropology. Madalena is responsible for managing this site.

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OCHREsearch Inaugural Conference: Exploring the Material History of Cultural Heritage