Nursing Publications


Research in Nursing Publications examines practical and theoretical aspects of the nursing profession, examining topics such as mental health, workplace management, domestic violence, specific case studies, and care for mothers and elderly patients.


Submissions from 2008


Determinants of Rural Women's Health: A Qualitative Study in Southwest Ontario, Beverly D. Leipert and Julie A. George


Rural Women and Pharmacologic Therapy: Needs and Issues in Rural Canada, Beverly Leipert, Doreen Matsui, Jessica Wagner, and Michael J. Rieder


The Impact of Emotional Intelligent Leadership on Staff Nurse Empowerment: The Moderating Effect of Span of Control, Victoria Lucas, Heather K. Spence Laschinger, and Carol A. Wong


Application of the Nursing Worklife Model to the ICU Setting, Milisa Manojlovich and Heather K. S. Laschinger


Violence Is an International Language: Tamil Women's Perceptions of Intimate Partner Violence, Robin Mason, Ilene Hyman, Helene Berman, Sepali Guruge, Pushpa Kanagaratnam, and Lisa Manuel


Evidence-based Recommendations for Depressive Symptoms in Postpartum Women, Karen McQueen, Phyllis Montgomery, Stephanie Lappan-Gracon, Marilyn Evans, and Joanne Hunter


Sharpening the Focus of Research on In-Home and Community Care for Older Persons, Carol L. McWilliam


Organizational Learning for Evidence-based Practice: A “PAKT” for Success, Carol L. McWilliam, Anita Kothari, Marita Kloseck, Catherine Ward-Griffin, and Dorothy Forbes


Accelerating Client-driven Care: Pilot Study for a Social Interaction Approach to Knowledge Translation, Carol L. McWilliam, Anita Kothari, Beverly Leipert, Catherine Ward-Griffin, Dorothy Forbes, Mary Lou King, Marita Kloseck, Karen Ferguson, and Abram Oudshoorn


Living While Dying/Dying While Living: Older Clients' Sociocultural Experience of Home-Based Palliative Care, Carol L. McWilliam, Catherine Ward-Griffin, Abram Oudshoorn, and Elizabeth Krestick


Supported Housing Programs for Persons with Serious Mental Illness in Rural Northern Communities: A Mixed Method Evaluation, Phyllis Montgomery, Cheryl Forchuk, Craig Duncan, Don Rose, Patricia H. Bailey, and Ramamohan Veluri


Taking the Hit: Focusing on Caregiver "Error" Masks Organizational-Level Risk Factors for Nursing Aide Assault, Debra G. Morgan, Margaret F. Crossley, Norma J. Stewart, Carl D'Arcy, Dorothy A. Forbes, Sandy A. Normand, and Allison L. Cammer


Evolution of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Future Directions, Susan L. Ray


Trauma from a Global Perspective, Susan L. Ray


Nursing Professional Practice Environments: Setting the Stage for Constructive Conflict Resolution and Work Effectiveness, Heidi Siu, Heather K. Spence Laschinger, and Joan Finegan


Medication Use in Patients Presenting to a Rural and Remote Memory Clinic, Trevor A. Steve, Andrew Kirk, Margaret Crossley, Debra Morgan, Carl D'Arcy, Jay Biem, Dorothy Forbes, and Norma Stewart


Negative Social Experiences of University and College Students, Paul Tremblay, Roma Harris, Helene Berman, Barb MacQuarrie, Gail Hutchinson, Mary Ann Smith, Susan Braley, Jennifer Jelley, and Kristen Dearlove


Chronic Pain in Women Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence, Judith Wuest, Marilyn Merritt-Gray, Marilyn Ford-Gilboe, Barbara Lent, Colleen Varcoe, and Jacquelyn C. Campbell

Documents from 2007

Editorial for Volume 1, Issue 1, Mary-Anne Andrusyszyn, Dolly Goldenberg, and Carroll Iwasiw

Forces of Magnetism for Nursing Education, Mary-Anne Andrusyszyn, Carroll L. Iwasiw, and Dolly Goldenberg


Strengthening and Sustaining Social Supports for Rural Elders, Kristie J. Clark and Beverly D. Leipert

Outcomes of Master's Education in Nursing, C.E. (Betty) Cragg and Mary-Anne Andrusyszyn

The Process of Master’s Education in Nursing: Evolution or Revolution?, C.E. (Betty) Cragg and Mary-Anne Andrusyszyn


Aboriginal Women Caregivers of the Elderly, K. E. Crosato, C. Ward-Griffin, and B. Leipert


De”myth”ifying Mental Health – Findings from a Community University Research Alliance (CURA), Rick Csiernik, Cheryl Forchuk, Mark Speechley, and Catherine Ward-Griffin