Nursing Publications

Continuing Education at the Cutting Edge: Promoting Transformative Knowledge Translation

Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 2007


Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions





First Page


Last Page



As the evidence-based practice movement gains momentum, continuing education practitioners increasingly confront the challenge of developing and conducting opportunities for achieving research uptake. Recent thinking invites new approaches to continuing education for health professionals, with due consideration of what knowledge merits uptake by practitioners, who should play what role in the knowledge transfer process, and what educational approach should be used. This article presents an innovative theory-based strategy that encompasses this new perspective. Through a facilitated experience of perspective transformation, clinicians are engaged in an on-thejob process of developing a deeply felt interest in research findings relevant to everyday practice, as well as ownership of that knowledge and its application. The strategy becomes a sustainable, integrated part of clinical practice, fitting naturally within its dynamic, unique environment, context, and climate and overcoming the barrier of time. Clinician experience of a top-down push toward prescribed practice change is avoided. With an expanded role encompassing facilitation of active learning partnerships for practice change, the continuing educator fosters a learning organization culture across the institution. The resultant role changes and leadership and accountability issues are elaborated.

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