Nursing Publications
Predicting Registered Nurses' Behavioural Intention to Use Electronic Documentation System in Home Care: Application of an Adapted Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology Model
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Nursing leadership (Toronto, Ont.)
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The use of electronic documentation systems (EDS) has the potential to ensure timely, up-to-date and comprehensive patient health-related information is available and accessible to nurses regardless of their physical location. Despite the benefits of EDS, nurses' low intention to use such systems is well documented, which may predict behavioural usage. Further, limited knowledge exists about nurses' intention to use EDS in the context of home care. The aim of the study was to examine factors that influence nurses' intention of using EDS in home care practice. The conceptual model framing this study is adapted from the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT). A cross-sectional design was used. Nurses (N = 217) currently practicing within the home care sector in Ontario participated in the study. An online survey using adapted and psychometrically sound quantitative instruments was administered. Data were analyzed with descriptive statistics and hierarchical linear regression. Performance expectancy, attitude, social influence and facilitating conditions had significant, positive and direct effects on nurses' behavioural intention. Effort expectancy and nurses' individual characteristics (i.e., age, level of education and technology experience) were not found to have a direct and/or moderating influence on nurses' intention to use EDS in home care practice. Theory, practice and research implications for the findings are presented and discussed.