Nursing Publications

A scoping review of interprofessional collaboration in hospital-based obstetric care with a particular focus on Africa

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Journal of Interprofessional Education and Practice



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This scoping review seeks to explore interprofessional collaboration (IPC) in the context of obstetric care in hospital settings in distinct geographical regions, with a particular focus on Africa. The aim is to identify the challenges, facilitators, and strategies of successful IPC practice in hospital-based obstetric care as found in the literature. The analysis of the research articles highlighted three categories of challenges, including interactional, systemic, and organizational factors. IPC facilitators were related to organizational culture and individual-specific behaviors. The strategies identified to improve IPC in hospital-based obstetric care were educational strategies and leadership support. Given that mechanisms that shape IPC are not the same in all healthcare systems, researchers, educators, policy makers, and partners should identify mechanisms that can advance the integration, implementation, and sustainability of IPC in hospital-based obstetric care across distinct geographical regions and particularly in Africa.

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