Nursing Publications
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This chapter highlights the value of developing program evaluation approaches that focus on the merit or worth of the learning in relation to the program’s perceived accuracy, utility, feasibility, and propriety. A number of approaches to creating a program evaluation plan are provided. A case is made for the application of program logic models (PLMs) to continuing interprofessional education (CIPE) program evaluation. The argument is raised about the comprehensive nature in its application of an open systems approach that allows the linking back to the reason for the program.A case study is then provided to demonstrate how a manager can apply PLM to a performance problem to build a beginning approach in designing the learning associated with needed performance change within an interprofessional team. A discussion is then provided on how the PLM approach integrates other frameworks advocated for CIPE.
Citation of this paper:
Orchard, C. (2015). Evaluation of continuing interprofessional client-centered collaborative practice programs. in C. Orchard & L. Bainbridge Interprofessional client-centered collaborative practice: What is it? How can it be done? Chapter 11. N.Y.: Nova Scientific Publishers.