Nursing Publications
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Book Chapter
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Interprofessional Client-Centered Collaborative Practice: What does it look like? How can it be done?
Introductory Chapter
First Page
Last Page
This chapter provides an overview of the topic of competence in general usage and then in professional practice and its application into interprofessional client-centered collaborative practice. Collaboration is then discussed as both an outcome and a process. This follows a discussion related to the four approaches that can be adopted to assess competence. The reader is then presented with an in depth discussion of the CIHC Interprofessional Collaboration Competency Framework and of its competency domains and descriptors. A case study is provided within the chapter to present how each of the competencies may be demonstrated within a primary health care team environment.
Citation of this paper:
Orchard, C. (2015). Towards a framework of client-centered collaborative practice. In C Orchard & L. Bainbridge (Eds.) interprofessional client centered collaborative practice: What does it look like? How can it be done?