Bay Ridges

NTP Archives


Intense tornado struck Bay Ridges on the morning of July 28. Witnesses recalled the sky going black just before a funnel cloud became visible. It struck the east and south side of Frenchman’s Bay where many boats and float planes were moored, sending many of them either airborne or flipping them over. One man was said to have jumped out of bed when a plane crashed into his yard, flung from the water by the intense vortex. Other witness accounts available from newspapers.

Jul 28th, 8:00 AM

Bay Ridges

Durham, Ontario, Canada

Intense tornado struck Bay Ridges on the morning of July 28. Witnesses recalled the sky going black just before a funnel cloud became visible. It struck the east and south side of Frenchman’s Bay where many boats and float planes were moored, sending many of them either airborne or flipping them over. One man was said to have jumped out of bed when a plane crashed into his yard, flung from the water by the intense vortex. Other witness accounts available from newspapers.