Presenter Information

NTP Archives


Dufferin, Ontario, Canada

Start Date

17-7-1942 4:05 PM

Document Type

Report (PDF/Word)

F-Scale Rating





“Gordon Smith took shelter along with 2 other men in a barn. When the roof was blown off, he ran out of the building and took shelter under a nearby tree. An instant later it was uprooted and knocked him unconscious as it fell.”

“The roar of the wind and the noise of falling trees could be heard for some miles on each side. Wilmur Lundy, who lives in Cardwell, about 5 miles southwest of the Ewing farmstead, informed the Banner Saturday night, that he heard the roar of the storm distinctly at his place and knew that something terrible was happening off to the north. The clouds were inky black before the cyclone struck and nearby residents say they could see the swirling cone shaped funnel that formed the storm centre quite plainly as it descended over the west rim of the rocks.”


Jul 17th, 4:05 PM

Mono Centre

Dufferin, Ontario, Canada

“Gordon Smith took shelter along with 2 other men in a barn. When the roof was blown off, he ran out of the building and took shelter under a nearby tree. An instant later it was uprooted and knocked him unconscious as it fell.”

“The roar of the wind and the noise of falling trees could be heard for some miles on each side. Wilmur Lundy, who lives in Cardwell, about 5 miles southwest of the Ewing farmstead, informed the Banner Saturday night, that he heard the roar of the storm distinctly at his place and knew that something terrible was happening off to the north. The clouds were inky black before the cyclone struck and nearby residents say they could see the swirling cone shaped funnel that formed the storm centre quite plainly as it descended over the west rim of the rocks.”


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