Presenter Information

NTP Archives


Durham, Ontario, Canada

Start Date

21-6-1834 12:00 AM

Document Type

Report (PDF/Word)

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The “Canadian Emigrant” (Saturday, June 28, 1834) states:
“About the time of the accident, and which will probably account for it, a hurricane is said to have passed over that part of Darlington towards the lake, in the direction of the unfortunate vessel, and sweeping everything before it.”


Jun 21st, 12:00 AM

Darlington Township

Durham, Ontario, Canada

The “Canadian Emigrant” (Saturday, June 28, 1834) states:
“About the time of the accident, and which will probably account for it, a hurricane is said to have passed over that part of Darlington towards the lake, in the direction of the unfortunate vessel, and sweeping everything before it.”


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