Management and Organizational Studies Publications

More than numbers: Independent analysis of the IGDA 2009 Quality of Life Survey

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The report that you are reading now looks very similar to the IGDA report. It mirrors the format and includes exactly the same raw data and general reporting of the data (i.e. tables and figures). What is different in this report is additional contextual analysis around some of the data. It was our attempt here to provide some insight from the popular and academic literature as well as our own research to try to answer some of the ‘why and how’ questions as opposed to just describing the ‘what, when and where’. This additional information is highlighted in green. As a result this report contains numerous perspectives on the video game industry and interpretations of the Quality of Life data that should not be taken as the official opinion of the IGDA Quality of Life Committee or the broader IGDA, but that we feel are important steps in critically analysing the state of QoL in the game industry.


Published by the International Game Developers Association

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