Management and Organizational Studies Publications
Diversity among videogame developers Summary Report
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The international video game industry’s revenue was estimated at 91.5 billion US dollars in 2015 (Sinclair, 2015) and it is the source of a growing number of direct and indirect jobs around the world. Games are quickly surpassing other entertainment media in both revenue and user rates. However, games and the industry that makes them continue to face significant challenges associated with diversity in terms of the content of the games made, the people who play the games, and the demographic makeup of the game industry labour force. The topics of sexism and the experiences of females in the game industry have received considerable attention in recent years due to a number of high profile events. It is against this backdrop that we summarize the demographic trends, the incidence of demographic differences, and the perceptions of diversity in the game industry over an 11 year span. Throughout the report we consider diversity to refer to demographic diversity based on factors such as gender, ethnicity, age, ability, and sexual orientation.
Published by the International Game Developers Association