Microbiology & Immunology Publications
The effect of liposome encapsulated antineoplastic agents on transitional cell carcinoma in tissue culture
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Urological Research
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The aim of this study was to determine whether extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) affected the viability of the infecting bacteria within a simulated struvite stone matrix. A strain, Proteus mirabilis 28cii, was prepared in three forms: (1) suspended in saline and urine, (2) artificially encapsulated by suspending in agar beads and (3) artificially encapsulated and mineralised by suspending in agar beads with calcium carbonate crystals. The preparations were placed in capped vials partially immersed in degassed water and held in the focal point of the Siemens Lithostar and given 1,000 shocks. Subsequent viability testing showed that bacteria suspended in urine were greatly affected by shock treatments (55% loss in viability), but incorporation into agar beads negated this effect (even if the cells were exposed to 2000 shocks). Mineralisation of the beads with calcium carbonate crystals caused a decrease in viability of 82% that was significantly different from controls. However, this still left 2.3×10 viable organisms (82% of 2.8×10 ), easily enough to form the focus for further infections. A series of control experiments carried out using an ultrasonic cell sonicator probe gave comparable results to those obtained with ESWL. These results demonstrate that ESWL treatment of infected stones must be accompanied by antimicrobial coverage. © 1990 Springer-Verlag. 8 8