Office of Military Academic Medicine | Campus Units and Special Collections | Western University


Submissions from 2022


A Distinct Metabolite Signature in Military Personnel Exposed to Repetitive Low-Level Blasts, Michael R. Miller, Alicia DiBattista, Maitray A. Patel, Mark Daley, Catherine Tenn, Ann Nakashima, Shawn G. Rhind, Oshin Vartanian, Maria Y. Shiu, Norleen Caddy, Michelle Garrett, Doug Saunders, Ingrid Smith, Rakesh Jetly, and Douglas D. Fraser

Submissions from 2021


Size matters: First-in-human study of a novel 4 French REBOA device, Adam Power, Asha Parekh, Oonagh Scallan, Shane Smith, Teresa Novick, Neil Parry, and Laura Moore

Submissions from 2019


The effects of tracheal occlusion on Wnt signaling in a rabbit model of congenital diaphragmatic hernia, Martina Mudri, Shane A. Smith, Christina Vanderboor, Jacob Davidson, Timothy R.H. Regnault, and Andreana Bütter


Surgical technique for developing a rabbit model of congenital diaphragmatic hernia and tracheal occlusion, M. Mudri, S. A. Smith, C. Vander Tuin, J. Davidson, T. R.H. Regnault, and A. Bütter


Vascular trauma: Does experience in the United States apply to a Canadian centre?, Shane Smith, Vivian McAlister, Neil Parry, Adam Power, and Kelly Vogt


Unexpected Gallbladder Metastasis of Clear Cell Renal Carcinoma, Ian White, Shane Smith, Kamilia Rizkalla, and Edward Davies

Submissions from 2018


The Canadian Army Medical Corps affair of 1916 and Surgeon General Guy Carleton Jones, Mai-Gen Jean-Robert Bernier and Vivian C. McAlister Lt-Col


Medical response to the declaration of the First World War: The case of Edwin Seaborn, Alexandra C Istl and Vivian C. McAlister


Utilization profile of the Canadian-led coalition Role 2 Medical Treatment Facility in Iraq: the growing requirement for multinational interoperability., Mark P. DaCambra LCol, Raymond L. Kao Capt (Navy), Christopher Berger LCol, and Vivian C. McAlister LCol


Massacre of Canadian Army Medical Corps personnel after the sinking of HMHS Llandovery Castle and the evolution of modern war crime jurisprudence, Jay Doucet, Gregory Haley, and Vivian McAlister


After the war is over: the role of General Sir Arthur Currie in the development of academic medicine in Canada, AM Jack Hyatt, Andrew Beckett, and Vivian C. McAlister


Care of victims of suicide bombing, Raymond L. Kao Capt (Navy) and Vivian C. McAlister LCol


Proposed specifications of a mobile operating room for far-forward surgery, John Leasiolagi CPO, Troy Holton PO2, Kate Doyle LCol, Laura Parkinson Sgt, Raymond Kao Capt (Navy), and Vivian C. McAlister LCol


Impact of traumatic upper-extremity amputation on the outcome of injury caused by an antipersonnel improvised explosive device, Shane A. Smith, Mark P. DaCambra, and Vivian C. McAlister


A novel REBOA system: Prototype and proof of concept, Shane A. Smith and Vivian C. McAlister

Submissions from 2017


Calgary, Edmonton and the University of Alberta: the extraordinary medical mobilization by Canada’s newest province, Mark P. Da Cambra and Vivian C. McAlister O.C.


Somewhere in France (9 April 17): a centenary review of medical arrangements at Vimy Ridge, Vivian McAlister


Injury profile suffered by targets of antipersonnel improvised explosive devices: prospective cohort study, Shane Smith, Melissa Devine, Joseph Taddeo, and Vivian C. McAlister O.C.

Submissions from 2016


Western University (No. 10 Canadian Stationary Hospital and No. 14 Canadian General Hospital): a study of medical volunteerism in the First World War, Alexandra C Lstl and Vivian C. McAlister


Hypertonic salt solution for peri-operative fluid management (Review), Brad Shrum, Brian Church, Karen EA Burns, Tammy Znajda, and Vivian McAlister

Submissions from 2015


Restoring large-scale brain networks in PTSD and related disorders: a proposal for neuroscientifically-informed treatment interventions, Ruth A. Lanius, Paul A. Frewen, Mischa Tursich, Rakesh Jetly, and Margaret C. McKinnon


Cervical spine injury in dismounted improvised explosive device trauma, Joseph Taddeo, Maj Melissa Devine, and Vivian C. McAlister LCol

Submissions from 2014


Surgery in patients with Ebola virus disease, Vivian McAlister

Submissions from 2013


Role of persistent processus vaginalis in hydroceles found in a tropical population, Vivian C. McAlister O.C. and Vincent Trottier

Submissions from 2012


Reduction in IL-33 expression exaggerates ischaemia/reperfusion-induced myocardial injury in mice with diabetes mellitus, Tao Rui, Jinchao Zhang, Xuemei Xu, Yongwei Yao, Raymond Kao, and Claudio M. Martin


1 Canadian Field Hospital in Haiti: surgical experience in earthquake relief, Max Talbot, Bethann Meunier, Vincent Trottier, Michael Christian, Tracey Hillier, Chris Berger, Vivian C. McAlister O.C., and Scott Taylor

Submissions from 2011


The Role 3 Multinational Medical Unit at Kandahar Airfield 2005–2010, Ronald Brisebois, Peter Hennecke, Raymond Kao, Vivian C. McAlister O.C., Joseph Po, Rob Stielgelmar, and Homer Tien


Drills and exercises: the way to disaster preparedness, Vivian C. McAlister O.C.


Effects of trauma-related cues on pain processing in posttraumatic stress disorder: an fMRI investigation, Marla J.S. Mickleborough, Judith K. Daniels, Nicholas J. Coupland, Raymond Kao, Peter C. Williamson, Ulrich F. Lanius, Kathy Hegadoren, Allan Schore, Maria Densmore, Todd Stevens, and Ruth Lanius


Utilization profile of the trauma intensive care unit at the Role 3 Multinational Medical Unit at Kandahar Airfield between May 1 and Oct. 15, 2009, Kalpa Shah, Steven Pririe, Lisa Compton, Vivian C. McAlister O.C., Brian Church, and Raymond Kao

Submissions from 2010


In-theater Peritoneal Dialysis for Combat-related Renal Failure, Joseph S. Pina, Soraya Moghadam, Howard M. Cushner, Greg J. Beilman, and Vivian C. McAlister

Submissions from 2009


Catastrophe surgery: response to multiple casualties or individual patients with devastating injuries, Vivian C. McAlister O.C.

Submissions from 2007


Origins of the Canadian School of Surgery, Vivian Charles McAlister