"GOV 2.0: Exploring the Use of Web 2.0 Tools by Local Government in Sou" by Chandra Dougall

MPA Major Research Papers

Date of Award


Degree Type

Major Research Paper

Degree Name

Master of Public Administration


Political Science


Irwin, Bill

Geographical Areas

South Huron, London, Dufferin County, Kitchener, Central Elgin, Southwestern Ontario


This paper examines how local governments in Ontario are using Web 2.0 technologies, with a specific focus on whether or not Web 2.0 is being used by local government as a medium for citizen engagement. It uses interviews to uncover whether or not the selected municipalities in Southwestern Ontario are using social media for citizen engagement purposes, in addition to a policy review of their social media policies. The six municipalities that were selected include: South Huron, London, Dufferin County, Kitchener, Central Elgin, and one municipality that chose to remain anonymous. The findings reveal that municipalities in Southwestern Ontario are not using social media for citizen engagement to the extent that the literature review suggests and policymaking and service provision are not based on input from citizens through social media.



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