Business Theses and Dissertations
This collection contains theses and dissertations from the Department of Business, collected from the Scholarship@Western Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository
Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Cushioning the Blow Justifying a Price Increase in a Subscription Business Context, Hoorsana Damavandi
The Causes and Consequences of Environmental Transparency in Supply Chains, William Diebel
Online Content Design with Unstructured Data, Meng Qi Ding
Seeking Solitude: An Examination of the Motivational Underpinnings of Solitary Experiences, Zuzanna Jurewicz
Appraisals of three critical capabilities driving internationalization strategies of emerging market multinational enterprises (EMNEs), Rishiraj Kashyap
Three Essays on Market Dynamics: Counterfeits, Tipping Policies, and Probabilistic Promotions, Yongqin Lei
Optimal Strategies for Introducing a New Technological Product, Ali Lotfi
The Politics of Progress: A Field-Level Analysis, Cameron McAlpine
Essays on Lobbying and Government Relations, Sorena Rahi
Essays on Entrepreneurial Support and New Firm Exits, Silvia C. Reyes Prieri
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
The Effect of Categorization on Investment Decisions: Three Essays in the Fintech Industry, Jungsoo Ahn
Strategic Supplier Dynamics and Decision-making in Supply Chain Management: Exploring Market Segmentation, Copycatting, and Encroachment, Shobeir Amirnequiee
No Smoke Without Fire — and Vice Versa: Keystone XL and the Climate Debate, Julian Barg
Innovating Product Meaning with Digital Technology: Case Studies in Electric Vehicles, Haoyue Gu
Essays on Multinational Nonmarket Strategy, CHENG LI
Examining Corporate Litigation: Market Reactions, Resource Allocation, and Trial Outcomes, Nicole E. Makris
Essays on Resilience in the Face of Adversity, Amrita Mitra
Cofounder Selection & Satisfaction: How Entrepreneurial Cofounders Come Together and Succeed Together, Audra G. Quinn
Understanding the Big Data Analytics Deployment Gap: Operationally Leveraging Big Data Analytics Capability for Value Generation in Healthcare, Hyunmin (Dan) Shin
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Three Essays on Irregular Entries to the End-Customer Market, Hamid Elahi
Organizational Performance Relative to Aspirations: Exogenous Roots of Performance Feedback, Sergii Nevmerzhytskyi
Gendered Language and Entrepreneurial Joiners, Mihwa Seong
Two Essays on Everyday Financial Decisions, Poornima Vinoo
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Two Essays On Innovation In Artificial Intelligence: Corporate R&D And Firm-level Publications Strategy, Nuruddin Ahmed
A Critical Realist Evaluation of a Hospital Laboratory IT-Enabled Transformation, Sampath Bemgal
Essays on Entrepreneurial Joiners and How to Recruit Them, Seung Hoon Chung
Antecedents and Consequences of Hospitals’ Responses to Institutions: Three Contemporary Essays Concerning Ontario Reforms, Gabriel J. A. Huppé
Organizing for- and in- the Digital Age: A Case of the Indian Banking Industry, Mayur Prataprai Joshi
I’ve Got the Power! Agency, Empowerment, and Motivation in Career Management, Mirit Kastelman Grabarski
Three Essays on Corporate Sustainability Language, Nahyun Kim
General Manager Succession in Multinational Enterprise Subsidiaries, Liang (Arthur) Li
Trust and Bias in Peer-to-Peer Ratings: Why Peer-to-Peer Service Ratings are Nearly Always Positive, and How They Can be Fixed, Michael Moorhouse
Lean Supply Management in the Canadian Agri-food Sector, Fernando Naranjo
Perspectives on Firm Strategies in the Non-Market Environment, Vittal Kartik Rao
Essays on Information Asymmetry and Leakage, Jun Hyun (Joseph) Ryoo
Refining Adaptation and Its Onset: Signals of Financial Innovation that Trigger Strategic Attention in Financial Services, Andrew Sarta
Ideas Worth Spreading? Adverse Effects of Information Load in Online Communications, Amir Sepehri
Effectiveness of Social Enterprises: Aligning Strategies and Supply Chains for Impact, Kelsey M. Taylor
Portfolio Entrepreneurs in China: A Mixed Methods Study, Tianjiao Xu
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Community of Entrepreneurs in Coworking Space, Nam Kyoon Kim
Optimal Policies on Managing Drug Supply and Patient Access to Drugs, Hongmei Sun
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Industry Self-Regulation and Government: A Study of a Hybrid Regulatory Model to Realize the Circular Economy, Hadi Chapardar
Optimal Pricing and Treatment Policies in Health Care, Gregory J. Critchley
A Study in Three Practical Management Science Problems, John S.F. Lyons
Two Essays on Consumer-Generated Reviews: Reviewer Expertise and Mobile Reviews, Peter Nguyen
Three essays on organizational paradox, history, and resilience: An ethnography of Buddhist temples, Hee-Chan Song
What Do We Learn From Errors? Multidimensionality and Motivational Underpinnings of Error Learning, Anna Sycheva
Investment Motives and Non-Traditional Foreign Direct Investment, Jianhua Zhu
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Toward a Better Understanding and Management of Product Recall, Vivek Astvansh
Foreign Direct Investment in Global Cities and Co-Ethnic Clusters: Characteristics, Performance, and Survival, Dwarka Chakravarty
Our Identities Are Different: Unpacking the Presence and Absence of Organizational Identity in Corporate Apologies, Dilek Gergin
The Rise of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations: Coordination and Growth within Cryptocurrencies, Ying-Ying Hsieh
Two Essays on the Link between Consumer-Brand Relationships and Customer Brand Loyalty, Mansur Khamitov
Corporate Innovation Activism in a Multidivisional Firm: Rationale, Genesis, Evolution, Zdenek Necas
Three Essays on the Financial Capital Markets, Diep Nguyen
Three Essays in Empirical Finance, Srikanth Ramani
Three Essays on Intensive Care Unit Capacity Planning, Felipe F. Rodrigues
Contemporary perspectives on the internationalization of firms, Maximilian Stallkamp
Antecedents and Consequences of Share Distribution in Equity Joint Ventures: A Pricing-Error Approach and Empirical Evidence, Liang Liang Wang
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
The Impact of Growth, Governance, and Geography on Franchise Performance, Moeen Naseer Butt
Mindfulness and Individual Error Orientation in High Reliability Organizations, Ellen Choi
Building an Ecology of Routines: The Central Role of the Broker, Jeannette A. Eberhard
Before Exit: Three Essays on Business Exit in Politically and Economically Adverse Environments, Ramzi Fathallah
Institutional Voids, Investment Purposes, and Foreign Subsidiaries of Multinational Enterprises, Yamlaksira S. Getachew
Three Essays on Incentive Problems of Parties with Potential Conflict of Interest, Salar Ghamat
The Role of Early Customers in the Venture Creation Process, Maya Kumar
Essays on Entertainment Analytics, Kyle Maclean
Achieving Operational Integrity: A Case Study of A Long-Term Care Operation, Maryam Memar Zadeh
Consumption as Emotion Regulation, Jeff D. Rotman
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
Three Essays in Empirical Finance and Corporate Governance, Chongyu Dang
The Causes and Consequences of Corporate Short-Termism, Mark R. DesJardine
Responses to Subpar Performance in Foreign Subsidiaries, Vanessa C. Hasse
Evaluating Loyalty Programs with Endogenous Redemption, Mihaela Alina Nastasoiu
An exploration of the relationship between strategic renewal and occupational identity, Krista L. Pettit
Human Resource Management Practices and Performance: A General Systems Perspective, Duckjung Shin
"My friends, they are people to rely on": The social foundation of business in Ghana, Patrick D. Shulist
Social Barriers to Entry: Liquefied Natural Gas Import Terminals in the US from 2000 to 2013, Chethan D. Srikant
Designing A Hybrid Experience: The Effect of Experience Structure on Consumers' Evaluations, Juan Wang
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
The Viability and Sustainability of a Trivial Attribute Differentiation Strategy, Charan Kamal Bagga
Stability and Change in the Strategic Decisions of Multinational Enterprise, Majid Eghbali-Zarch
Three Essays on Sustainable Operations Management, Sara Hajmohammad
Three Essays on Managing Customer-Based Strategies: A Pricing and Revenue Management Approach, Foad Hassanmirzaei
Exploring Consumer Relationships with Human Brands: How Reference Groups, Affiliation Motives, and Biological Sex Predict Endorser Effectiveness, Jennifer A. Jeffrey
A Principal-Agent View on International Hotel Branding and Empirical Evidence from China, Chya-Yi Liaw
Engaging With The Future: A Historical Investigation of Greenpeace, Yves Plourde
The Impact of Sarbanes-Oxley Changes and Board Independence Power on Selected Governance Practices at the Board Level, Karin L. Schnarr
Supplier social engagement, reciprocity of social practices and performance in supply chains, Asad Shafiq
Working Harder, Working Smarter, or Doing Both? How the Interpretation of Combined Learning and Performance Goals Affects Complex Task Performance, Meredith J. Woodwark
MNE Ownership, Subsidiary Performance, and Economic Liberalization, Min Zhang
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
An Empirical Investigation of the Influence of Preparation and Implementation Capabilities on Lean Management Competence, David Barrett
Learning during the Transition Period: How Identifying Executives as Designate CEOs Affects their Learning, Rida Mitri Elias
Multinational Enterprise Parent-Foreign Subsidiary Governance, Bassam Elias Farah
Attention to Competition: The Role of Managerial Cognition in Shaping the Response to Competitive Actions, Mehdi Hossein Nejad
Employee Voice and Recipients' Appraisals/Reactions: The Effects Of Speech Style, Voice Type, and Voicer Status, Yongsuhk Jung
Music and Auditory Transportation: An Investigation of the Music Experience, Gail Leizerovici
Small Businesses Encounters with Information Technology, Liliana Lopez Jimenez