India in English: Colonial and Postcolonial Possibilities, a course taught every few years for Huron University College’s English department, offers its students the opportunity to study the literature, film, and other cultural creations that emerged out of India during the British Empire and the subsequent decades in postcolonial India and from countries of the Indian diaspora, such as Canada. It also encourages students to become researchers themselves. Students are given the option in this course to interpret a literary text in English – usually a poem or short story – that has not yet received scholarly attention. India has one of the largest English publishing industries in the world, and Indians who have migrated to other nations have contributed widely to the literary traditions in their adopted lands. Hence enormous numbers of poems and short stories by Indian writers exist that have never been subject to literary analysis but certainly deserve to be. In this course, students are placed in groups of three or two, and, after doing extensive research, they produce the first reading of their selected works of literature, and those groups who are willing to put in the necessary work to revise their essays for publication are asked to publish their essays on this site. Below you’ll find some of the most accomplished and original essays from this course.


Submissions from 2015


Managing Grief: An Analysis of Rene Saklikar's poem "un/authorized interjection", Alison Earls, Brier Pomfret, and Chelsea Rose