Welcome to the Human Ingenuity Research Group at Western. The group is comprised of a multidisciplinary team of researchers, educators, and practitioners interested in the study of the educational and social determinants of creativity, technical thinking, and problem-solving.


Submissions from 2015


Professor laments program cuts in Faculty of Education, Ronald Hansen


The Apprentice Retention Program: Evaluation and Implications for Ontario, Ron Hansen, Catharine Dishke Hondzel, and Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario

Submissions from 2014


Hockey sticks and trolls: How we experience our culture is how we view creativity, Catharine Dishke Hondzel


Creativity in circumpolar communities: An examination of Canadian, Norwegian, and Finnish results on the Torrance Test of Creative Thinking, Catharine Dishke Hondzel and Kathryn Hansen


Creativity and the Environment: Looking at differences between Canadian, Norwegian and Finnish Students on the TTCT, Catharine Dishke Hondzel, Ronald Hansen, Marte Sørebø Guilliksen, and Eila Lindfors


Sloyd, art guidelines and their connections to Cowichan sweater making, Kathleen Schmalz and Gina Gustafson


Teaching and Learning Embodied Making, Marte Sorebo Gulliksen


Technological Learning and Thinking: Clarifying the Roots of our Learning and Creativity, TL&T Committee

Submissions from 2013


Research Findings: Fostering Creativity: Ontario Teachers' Perceptions, Strategies, and Experiences, Catharine Dishke Hondzel


Fostering Creativity: Ontario Teachers’ Perceptions, Strategies, and Experiences, Catharine M. Dishke Hondzel


Human Ingenuity Research Group: Parental perceptions of children’s creative behaviours, Ronald Hansen, Catharine Dishke Hondzel, Kathryn Hansen, Kathleen Schmalz, Frances Shamley, Brian Smith, and Beatrix Bocazar

Submissions from 2012


The Determinants of Human Creativity/Ingenuity: A Case Study of Teacher Candidates at Notodden, Ronald Hansen


Human ingenuity comparative study: Canadian and Norwegian results of the Torrance Test of Creative Thinking, Ronald Hansen, Catharine Dishke Hondzel, Beatrix Bocazar, Andrew D. Colgan, Kathryn Hansen, and Kathleen Schmalz

Submissions from 2011


Technological Learning and Thinking: A Pedagogical Analysis, Ronald Hansen