Global Health Equity Blog posts | Global Health Equity | Western University

Global Health Equity blog posts

This blog space is dedicated to fostering dialogue and reflection on a wide range of topics related to Global Health Equity

The Blog Call Out: Climate Ethics, Equity, and Health Hello fellow stewards of the Earth! As part of Western’s Power and Global Health Day committee, he entire Western community as well as external community members was invited to write a blog post on the topic of Climate Ethics, Equity, and Health.

From the call: "As the COVID-19 pandemic has clearly demonstrated, public health is greatly affected by disruptions to biological and ecological systems. These health effects include increased respiratory and cardiovascular disease, injuries and premature deaths related to extreme weather events, changes in the prevalence and geographical distribution of food– and water– borne illnesses and other infectious diseases, and threats to mental health. As vaccines rollout and the world opens up again, we ask you to consider which societal systems need changing. We invite you to write from your heart and share your hopes and concerns for the future of our planet in whatever way feels right. Feel free to include text, photos, infographics, artwork, poetry, and videos."


Submissions from 2021


Tracking impacts of poverty and climate change on the farmer's body, Gurleen Arora, Health Studies,


Trickling Tragedy_The Crisis of Climate Change and Clean Water, Irtiqa Billoo, APHSCI Diploma candidate,


Call for submissions: Blog call out. Climate Ethics, Equity, and health, Global Health Equity


Period Poverty and Stigma in Sri Lanka, Kristina Fernando, BHSc candidate,


Ecological Grief_ Mourning a Distant Cultural Home, Vivek Gill, BHSc Candidate, School of Health Studies


Healthcare equity in Pakistan_Observations from a summer visit, Aisha Khan BSc Health Studies candidate,


Disproportionate Effects of Climate Change_one view from Rural Cambodia, Hannah Litchfield MMASc


Guilt in the Limitations of Individual Climate Change Action, Sorcha McNally BHSc Student


Reversing the Dominant Discourse of Gender-Based Violence, Sorcha McNally BHSc Candidate


Illuminating the global shadow pandemic_A silent pandemic, Mary Ndu PhD Health Rehabilitation Sciences candidate,


Struggles for More Equitable and Sustainable Food, Vanessa Nichols, MScPH Candidate,


Positioning ourselves within global health equity goals and landscapes, Elysée Nouvet Assistant Professor, School of Health Studies, Faculty of Health Sciences


Drones as a Tool for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation, Brie O’Sullivan, PhD candidate Health Information Systems


Questioning walls of the heart_World Aids Day 2021, Lei Qi PhD candidate, Microbiology and Immunology Department


Violence Against Women Is and Was its Own Pandemic_COVID-19 Made Things Worse, Nadine Wathen Professor and Canada Research Chair in Mobilizing Knowledge on Gender-Based Violence