Geophysics Theses and Dissertations
This collection contains theses and dissertations from the Department of Geophysics, collected from the Scholarship@Western Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository
Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Development of a Regional Geodatabase and 3D Models of Metro Vancouver and Their Use and Impact to Regional Seismic Hazard Mapping, Sujan Raj Adhikari
The Study of Titan's Surface using Impact Craters and Analogues, Jahnavi Shah
Advancement Of Passive Seismic Methods For Seismic Site Characterization And Resource Exploration, Hema Sandeep Sharma Ms
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Observation and Modelling of Meter-Class Earth impacting Asteroids, David L. Clark
Evaluation of Effectiveness in Seismic Microzonation Hazard Mapping in Canada: Communication, Use, Standardization and Levels, Meredith L. Fyfe
Empirical nonlinear site response applicable to Greater Vancouver, British Columbia, Natalia Gomez Jaramillo
Probabilistic seismic liquefaction hazard mapping of western Metro Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, Alireza Javanbakht Samani
Petrophysical Properties of the HED Meteorites and the Bushveld Igneous Complex: Implications for Future Asteroid Prospecting Missions, Lukas Louwerse
Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Analysis of the Makran Region, Payam Momeni
Revealing the Core Dynamics of Vesta: Insights from Experimental Investigations of Electrical Resistivity and Thermal Conductivity, Oluwasanmi A. Orole Mr
Topographic Effects of Shallow Crustal Earthquakes in the Greater Vancouver Region, Alex Vanderhoeff
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Heat flow in terrestrial-type bodies from high P,T electrical resistivity measurements of Au, Fe-Si and Fe-Ni-Si solid and liquid alloys, Meryem Berrada
Approaches to model non-uniqueness and site complexity for non-invasive shear-wave depth profiling, Christopher Boucher
Testing Aftershock Forecasts Using Bayesian Methods, Elisa Dong
Using Craters to Study Carbon and Nitrogen Compounds on Icy Worlds, Joshua E. Hedgepeth
Geomechanical Modeling of a Fault During Fluid Injection, Charles KW Hulls
Examining κ, the high frequency spectral decay parameter, in Eastern Canada, Samantha M. Palmer
Soil Amplification and Peak Frequencies from Thousands of Passive Seismic Measurements Across Metro Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, Aamna A. Sirohey
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Investigation of the Energy Source for an Early Dynamo in Vesta from Experiments on Electrical Resistivity of Liquid Fe-10wt%Ni at High Pressures, Eric M. Lenhart
Heat Flow in the Core of Ganymede: High Pressure-Temperature Electrical Resistivity Measurements of Solid and Liquid Ag and Fe-S Alloys, Joshua A.H. Littleton
Stochastic Source Modelling and Tsunami Analysis of the 2012 Mw 7.8 Haida Gwaii Earthquake, Karina Martinez Alcala
Seismic Imaging in Crystalline Terrains of the Superior Province, Canada, Brian Villamizar
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
A Periglacial Landsystem Analysis in the Canadian High Arctic: A Tool for Planetary Geomorphology, Chimira Nicole Andres
Source Parameters of Induced Seismicity in North America, Joanna M. Holmgren
Earthquake site characterization of rock sites in Eastern Canada and stiff ground sites in Vancouver, British Columbia, Sameer Ladak
Physical Dispersions of Meteor Showers Through High Precision Optical Observations, Denis Vida
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Statistical Modeling and Characterization of Induced Seismicity within the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin, Sid Kothari
Considering a Seismically Active Leech River Valley Fault Zone in Southwestern British Columbia, Jacob J. Kukovica
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Robust Earthquake Site Classification Assessment at Ontario Bridge Sites., Alex Bilson Darko
Impact Craters on Titan: Finalizing Titan's Crater Population, Joshua E. Hedgepeth
Empirical Characterization of Induced Seismicity in Alberta and Oklahoma, Mark Novakovic
Evaluation of Raman Spectroscopic Geothermometry of Graphitic Carbon as a Mineral Exploration Tool. A Case Study of the San Sebastian Au-Ag Mine, Durango, Mexico, Justin Daniel Rumney
Electrical resistivity of nickel, iron and iron-silicon alloy melts at high pressure with implications for the thermal conductivity of the Earth’s core, Reynold E. Silber
Compositional Variations of Titan's Impact Craters Indicates Active Surface Erosion, Alyssa Werynski
Geomechanical Modelling of Induced Seismicity, Bodi Zhao
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Developing and Testing a Model of Site Amplification for Southern Ontario, Sebastian Braganza
Full-Waveform Inversion with Scaled-Sobolev Preconditioning Applied to Vibroseis Field Data, Benjamin Paul Consolvo
Experimental Studies of Electrical Resistivity Behavior of Cu, Zn and Co Along Their Melting Boundaries: Implications for Heat Flux at Earth’s Inner Core Boundary, Innocent Chinweikpe Ezenwa
The First Earthquake Site Assessments in Alberta, Canada, Joseph J. Farrugia
Using Bolide Airwaves To Estimate Meteoroid Source Characteristics And Window Damage Potential, Nayeob Gi
Petrophysical Investigations of the Marathon Cu-PGE Deposit, Marathon, ON, Hiruni Gunawardana
Assessment of Earthquake Site Amplification and Application of Passive Seismic Methods for Improved Site Classification in the Greater Vancouver Region, British Columbia, Frederick Andrew Jackson
A Comparison of Ground Motion Characteristics from Induced Seismic Events in Alberta with those in Oklahoma, Krista M. Kaski
Investigating the mechanism of deep-focus earthquakes via in-situ acoustic emission experiments on Fe2SiO4 at high temperature and pressure, Timothy Officer
New GPS Time Series Analysis and a Simplified Model to Compute an Accurate Seasonal Amplitude of Tropospheric Delay, Hadis Samadi Alinia
Mitigating non-linearity in full waveform inversion using scaled-Sobolev norms, Mohammad Akbar Hosain Zuberi
Geophysical Study of Complex Meteorite Impact Structures, William Zylberman
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
Anisotropic Waveform Tomography: Application to Crosshole data for Transversely Isotropic Media, Shaun Michael Hadden
Ground-Motion Prediction Equations for Central and Eastern North America, with Emphasis on Site Effects, Behzad Hassani
The Application of Geophysical Inversion Techniques to the Nechalacho Rare Earth Element Deposit, NT, Derek W. Kouhi
Using Physical and Social Sensors in Real-Time Data Streaming for Natural Hazard Monitoring and Response, Yelena Kropivnitskaya
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Characterizing Seismicity in Alberta for Induced-Seismicity Applications, Luqi Cui
High Pressure and High Temperature Study of Magnesiochromite and Its Geophysical Implications, N M Tauhid Belal Khan
Strength Study of Zircon Under High Pressure, Ievgeniia Morozova
Regionally-Adjustable Generic Ground-Motion Prediction Equation, Emrah Yenier
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Magnitude Estimation for Earthquake and Tsunami Early Warning Systems, Attieh Eshaghi
Seismicity Processes in the Charlevoix Seismic Zone, Eastern Canada, Azadeh Fereidoni
Statistical Analysis and Computer Modelling of Volcanic Eruptions, Laura Anabelle Sanchez
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Application of Differential and Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Interferometry for Studying Natural Hazards, Samira Alipour
Variability in Characteristics of Ground Motions Across North America, Alireza Babaie Mahani
Spatial Heterogeneities in a Simple Earthquake Fault Model, Javad Kazemian
High Pressure- Temperature Electrical Resistivity Experiments on Fe-Si Alloys Bearing on Conductive Heat Flow at the Top of the Outer Core, Soushyant Kiarasi
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Estimating Subsurface Anisotropy: Combining Waveform Tomography and Simulated Annealing, Michael Victor Afanasiev
Technique Design To Increase In-Situ Electrical Connections In A Cubic Anvil Press, Marie April Burford
An investigation into earthquake ground motion characteristics in Japan with emphasis on the 2011 M9.0 Tohoku earthquake, Hadi Ghofrani
Studies of Aftershock Sequences of Large Subduction Zone Earthquakes, Armick Ivanian
Strength, Elasticity and Phase Transition Study on NaCl and MgO-NaCl Mixture to Mantle Pressures, Zhongying MI
Relationships between Earthquake Ground Motions and Modified Mercalli Intensity, Andrea Sweny
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Strategies for Waveform Tomography of Long-Offset, 2-D Exploration Seismic Data, Andrew J. Brenders
Ergodicity and seismicity clustering with applications in statistical seismology, Nelson Cho
Thermal Plume Transport From Sand and Gravel Pits Potential Thermal Impacts on Cool-Water Streams, Jeffrey M. Markle