Geography & Environment Publications


Research in Geography Publications uniquely bridges the social sciences with the natural sciences by examining the ongoing relationship between humans and their environment. These publications cover subjects such as environmental law and justice, pollution and preservation, segregation and prejudice in communities, urban development, and dietary habits.


Submissions from 1998


Effects of Urban Surface Geometry on Remotely-sensed Surface Temperature, James A. Voogt and T. R. Oke


Radiometric Temperatures of Urban Canyon Walls obtained from Vehicle Traverses, James A. Voogt and T. R. Oke

Submissions from 1997

Evaluating Qualitative Research in Social Geography: Establishing ‘Rigour’ in Interview Analysis, Jamie Baxter and John Eyles


The Converging Dynamics of Interest Representation in Resources Management, L. Graham Smith, Carla Y. Nell, and Mark V. Prystupa

Coordinate Systems, Philip J. Stooke and Jeremy B. Tatum


Complete Urban Surface Temperatures, James A. Voogt and T. R. Oke

Submissions from 1994

Gravel Transport and Morphological Change in Braided Sunwapta River, Alberta, Canada, James Rodney Goff and Peter Ashmore

Submissions from 1993

Contemporary Erosion of the Canadian Landscape, Peter Ashmore

The Social Construction of Risk in a Rural Community: Responses of Local Residents to the 1990 Hagersville (Ontario) Tire Fire, John Eyles, S. Martin Taylor, Jamie Baxter, Doug Sider, and Dennis Willms

Worrying About Waste: Living Close to Solid Waste Disposal Facilities in Southern Ontario, John Eyles, S. Martin Taylor, Nancy Johnson, and Jamie Baxter

Impact Assessment and Sustainable Resource Management, L. Graham Smith


Implementing Sustainability: The Use of Natural Channel Design and Artificial Wetlands for Stormwater Management, L. Graham Smith, Thomas J. Carlisle, and Sonya N. Meek

Benefits and Beneficiaries: A Decision Making Simulation for Offshore Hydrocarbon Development, L. Graham Smith and Craig F. Millar

Submissions from 1992

Secondary Flow in Anabranch Confluences of a Braided, Gravel-Bed Stream, Peter Ashmore, R I. Ferguson, K L. Prestegaard, P J. Ashworth, and C Paola

Measurements in a Braided River Chute and Lobe: 2. Sorting of Bed-Loading During Entrainment, Transport, and Deposition, P J. Ashworth, R I. Ferguson, Peter Ashmore, C Paola, M Powell, and K Prestegaard

The Hagersville Tire Fire: Interpreting Risk Through a Qualitative Research Design, Jamie Baxter, John Eyles, and Dennis Willms

Measurements in a Braided River Chute and Lobe: 1. Flow Pattern, Sediment Transport and Channel Change, R I. Ferguson, Peter Ashmore, P Ashworth, C Paola, and K Prestegaard

Submissions from 1991

Channel Morphology and Bed Load Pulses in Braided, Gravel-Bed Streams, Peter Ashmore


How Do Gravel-Bed Rivers Braid?, Peter Ashmore


Simulation of Surface Urban Heat Islands under ‘IDEAL’ Conditions at Night Part 1: Theory and Tests against Field Data, G. T. Johnson, T. R. Oke, T. J. Lyons, D. G. Steyn, I. D. Watson, and James A. Voogt


Canada's Changing Impact Assessment Provisions, L. Graham Smith


Validation of an Urban Canyon Radiation Model for Nocturnal Long-wave Fluxes, James A. Voogt and T. R. Oke


An Automated Radiometer Traversing System for Use in a Model Urban Canyon, James A. Voogt and D. G. Steyn

Submissions from 1990


Evolving Water Management Strategies in Canada, L. Graham Smith


Ontario's Water Policy: From Policy Vision to Plan Implementation, L. Graham Smith