FIMS Publications


The research in Information and Media Studies Publications covers a range of subjects pertaining to information and knowledge and the ways they move through and shape society. They encompass media studies, popular music and culture, journalism, health information sciences, and library and information science.


Submissions from 2005


WSIS: Whose Vision of an Information Society?, Ajit K. Pyati

To the editor, D. Shaw and L. Vaughan


Maureen Mahon, Right to Rock: The Black Rock Coalition and the Cultural Politics of Race (Review), Matt Stahl

Webometrics, M. Thelwall, L. Vaughan, and L. Björneborn


Sui Generis Database Legislation: A Critical Analysis, Samuel E. Trosow


The Changing Landscape of Academic Libraries and Copyright Policy: Interlibrary Loans, Electronic Reserves, and Distance Education, Samuel E. Trosow

Profile, needs, and expectations of information professionals: What we learned from the 2003 ASIST membership survey, L. Vaughan and T.B. Hahn

Web citation data for impact assessment: A comparison of four science disciplines, L. Vaughan and D. Shaw

A modeling approach to uncover hyperlink patterns: The case of Canadian universities, L. Vaughan and M. Thelwall

Mapping business competitive positions using web co-link analysis, L. Vaughan and J. You

Mining web hyperlink data for business information: The case of telecommunications equipment companies, L. Vaughan and J. You


Leveraging Knowledge Assets: Can Law Reform Help?, Margaret Ann Wilkinson and Mark Perry

Submissions from 2004


Health information seals of approval: What do they signify?, Jacquelyn Burkell


What are the chances? Evaluating risk/benefit information in consumer health materials, Jacquelyn Burkell

Messages from the 2003 ASIS&T membership survey, T.B. Hahn and L. Vaughan


A Moment Like This: American Idol and Narratives of Meritocracy, Matt Stahl

A fair history of the Web? Examining country balance in the Internet Archive, M. Thelwall and L. Vaughan


New versions of PageRank employing alternative Web document models, M. Thelwall and L. Vaughan

Webometrics: An introduction to the special issue, M. Thelwall and L. Vaughan


Copyright Protection for Federally Funded Research: Necessary Incentive or Double Subsidy?, Samuel E. Trosow


The Database and the Fields of Law: Are There New Divisions of Labor?, Samuel E. Trosow

Exploring website features for business information, L. Vaughan

New measurements for search engine evaluation proposed and tested, L. Vaughan

Web hyperlinks reflect business performance: A study of US and Chinese IT companies, L. Vaughan

Can Web citations be a measure of impact? An investigation of journals in the life sciences, L. Vaughan and D. Shaw