"Achy Awfulness" by Rylee J. Rumble
Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository

Thesis Format

Alternative Format


Master of Fine Arts


Visual Arts


Johnson, Tricia.


This written thesis is an accompaniment to a Master of Fine Arts Degree and Exhibition, at Western University, in London, Ontario. The following thesis dossier looks at how I use colour in my painting practice to archive my raw and vulnerable experiences with depression, anxiety, and ADHD. Having colour be the signifier for memories, feelings, emotions, and objects that pertain to my mental health, while painting, has allowed me to project my experiences onto the canvas essentially creating a physical archive; one that allows for me to shed the weight I am carrying and working through. The dossier is split into three chapters. The first being my extended artist statement which outlines how I arrived at the practice I have created today, with personal experiences weaved throughout. The second chapter is a documented portfolio of my practice, including individual photographs of the paintings, as well as exhibition shots. Lastly, the third chapter is a case study on Mark Rothko, outlining his practice, beginning from early childhood immigration to his untimely death.

Summary for Lay Audience

The following thesis dossier looks at how I use colour as a signifier in my painting practice to archive my raw and vulnerable experiences with depression, anxiety, and ADHD. With supplemental practice documentation and a case study on Mark Rothko.
