Thesis Format
Integrated Article
Master of Science
Hunter, Susan W.
2nd Supervisor
Pila, Eva
The purpose of these studies was to evaluate a concern for falling (CFF) among people with a lower extremity amputation (PLEA). Study 1 evaluated relative and absolute test-retest reliability of five standardized scales which have not been previously evaluated among PLEA. Twenty-two participants completed Study 1, an online survey that was administered twice. Study 2 assessed the inter-relationship of the multiple dimensions in a CFF using nine standardized scales of measurement and open-ended questions, and the association on quality of life (QOL). Forty-eight participants completed Study 2, a onetime online survey. Study 1 provided support for the reliable use of four CFF standardized scales among PLEA. Study 2 demonstrated statistically significant correlations between subdomains of fear of falling, falls efficacy, and mobility efficacy and an independent association on overall QOL. Open-ended responses demonstrated numerous activities that elicited a CFF. A CFF negatively influences QOL in PLEA after successful prosthetic rehabilitation.
Summary for Lay Audience
Half of all people with lower limb loss will fall at least once each year. The consequences of falling can lead to injuries and a concern for falling. Frequently, a concern for falling can trigger a reduction in activity and overall quality of life. Existing questionnaires that assess a concern for falling were not developed for people with lower limb loss and may not tell us the unique mobility challenges they experienced. There are a few concern for falling questionnaire that are used among people with lower limb loss. However, they are only focused on one area of falling. This leaves much unknown about how a concern for falling impacts people with lower limb loss. The goal of this research project was divided into two studies. The first measured the reliability (if scores are repeatable on two different occasions) for five concern for falling questionnaires in people with lower limb loss through an online survey. The second study evaluated five different areas that make up a concern for falling and the relationship between these different areas. Four of the five scales we evaluated for reliability showed consistent results when assessed on two separate occasions among people with lower limb loss. Study 2 found a fear of falling, confidence of not falling, and confidence in mobility were each associated with quality of life. This research project allowed us to establish four reliable concern for falling measures for people with lower limb loss and that different areas of a concern for falling affect quality of life.
Recommended Citation
Nugent, Kristin Elizabeth, "Evaluating a Concern for Falling Among People with a Lower Extremity Amputation" (2021). Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository. 8056.
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