Thesis Format
Master of Clinical Dentistry
Tassi, Ali
2nd Supervisor
Ansari, Daniel
Background: The cost of education to become an orthodontist has increased significantly over recent years which has led to an increase in debt of graduating orthodontists.
Aim: This paper aims to assess whether debt amongst orthodontic residents in North America is associated with their stress levels, attitudes towards debt, financial literacy and mathematics anxiety.
Materials and Methods: Web-based software was used to fabricate a questionnaire, based on previously validated scales, in which respondents were asked questions regarding their debt levels, stress levels, attitudes towards debt, financial literacy and math anxiety.
Results: A total of 101 orthodontic residents completed the online questionnaire, for a response rate of 8.6%. The mean debt level was found to be moderated positively correlated to stress level (r=.51, p
Conclusions: Orthodontic resident debt levels are associated with higher stress and their attitudes towards debt.
Summary for Lay Audience
Background: The cost of university has increased significantly over recent years. This has hit orthodontists particularly hard as they require many years of training at university. To become an orthodontist, a student must first complete an undergraduate degree, then a dental degree, and then a masters degree. This is often over a decade of university training to become qualified. It is unknown whether there is a relationship between high debt levels and stress, certain attitudes towards debt in general, financial literacy and maths anxiety.
Aim: The aim of this study was to determine whether orthodontic residents with higher debt levels show higher levels of stress, lower levels of financial literacy and higher levels of mathematics anxiety. An additional aim was to determine whether certain attitudes towards debt ( tolerance of debt, knowledge and contemplation about loans, and fear of debt) are associated with higher debt levels.
Materials and Methods: An online survey was created in which respondents were asked questions regarding their debt levels, stress levels, attitudes towards debt, financial literacy and math anxiety.
Results: A total of 101 orthodontic residents completed the online questionnaire. The study found that higher debt level was related to higher stress level. In addition, higher debt level was related to lower knowledge and contemplation about loans, and a higher fear of debt.
Conclusions: Orthodontic resident debt levels are associated with higher stress, and their attitudes towards debt
Recommended Citation
Renison, Timothy, "Debt and Stress Amongst Orthodontic Residents" (2021). Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository. 7642.