Thesis Format
Master of Engineering Science
Mechanical and Materials Engineering
Tutunea-Fatan, Remus
2nd Supervisor
Bordatchev, Evgueni
National Research Council of Canada
Elliptical vibration cutting has enabled the fabrication of numerous functional surfaces such as optical quality surface finishes, micro/nano surface texturing, and improved cutting force reduction on ferrous and other hard‑to‑cut materials. This wide range of capabilities comes from the high‑frequency elliptical vibrations produced at the tool tip, ultimately introducing discontinuous contact between the cutting tool and workpiece. However, despite the relative use of this technology, there has been limited investigation on the overarching parametric influence that its cutting parameters have on process outcomes such as cutting forces and surface roughness formation.
The current thesis addresses this research gap with the development of a parametric study for elliptical vibration assisted single point cutting. More specifically, the study encompasses analytical, experimental and finite element method analyses of the cutting forces and surface roughness. Ultimately, the results indicate the functional dependence between elliptical vibration process parameters and the resulting cutting forces and surface roughness. Cumulatively, this contribution enables effective recommendations for future enhancements involving user‑required cutting force reduction and/or surface quality improvements.
Summary for Lay Audience
Various surface functionalities such as the control of friction, wettability, aerodynamics, and aesthetics have demonstrated the attributes of high‑quality/precision parts. Such tooling components are demanded in fields such as automotive, biomedical, defense, aerospace, photonics, and security applications. Therefore, cost‑effective ultra‑precision microfabrication technologies for micro/nano‑texturing and structuring of functional surfaces are typically regarded as both a “key enabler” and a “game changer” in today’s knowledge‑driven advanced manufacturing. Along these lines, elliptical vibration assisted single point cutting (EVASPC) is one of the emerging technologies that relies on intermittent contact between the tool and workpiece, facilitating the generation of high quality surfaces on ferrous and/or hard‑to‑cut materials, and accounts for reduced cutting forces, surface roughness, tool‑wear, and enhanced free‑form surface accuracy, to name a few.
Elliptical vibration cutting has enabled the fabrication of numerous functional applications such as optical quality surface finishes, micro/nano surface texturing, and improved cutting force reduction on ferrous and other hard‑to‑cut materials. This flexibility comes directly from the high‑frequency elliptical vibrations and discontinuous tool‑workpiece contact. However, despite the use of this technology, there has been limited investigation on the overarching parametric influence that cutting parameters have on process outcomes such as cutting forces and surface quality.
Recommended Citation
Farrus, Nikolai D., "Parametric Study of the Cutting Process and Surface Formation during Elliptical Vibration Assisted Single Point Cutting" (2020). Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository. 7242.