Thesis Format
Master of Education
Neil, Nicole
The purpose of the study was to gain an understanding of the support needs caregivers of children with Down syndrome (DS) experience and to provide recommendations to services and advocacy agencies in the community. Caregiver perspectives were gained from individual interviews addressing the research question “Are parents of individuals with DS supported, why or why not?” Caregivers were involved in the analysis of the data through Concept Mapping procedures. Participants generated eight thematic clusters representing the support needs of caregivers of children with DS. The themes included online social support, community support gaps, areas where support is lacking, Down Syndrome community support, financial support, advocacy needs, educational support and concerns for community programming. The study highlights the need for more local organizations to offer support that is affordable and accessible for families. Results will support future program planning for services for individuals caring for those with DS.
Summary for Lay Audience
The purpose of the study was to gain an understanding of the support needs of caregivers of children with Down syndrome (DS). The researcher conducted individual interviews with caregivers of children with DS and employed Concept Mapping analysis procedures to generate eight thematic concept maps. The concept maps represented caregivers’ perspectives on their needs and will be provided as recommendations for community services to offer programing that is in line with caregiver needs.
Recommended Citation
Hart, Katie, "Down Syndrome Caregivers’ Support Needs: A Caregiver Perspective" (2020). Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository. 6874.