"Spanning" by Mary Katherine Carder-Thompson
Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository

Thesis Format

Integrated Article


Master of Fine Arts


Visual Arts


Merritt, David R.


This dossier consists of three chapters. Chapter 1 is a comprehensive artist statement describing my system for spirit communication that leverages the latent power of wool processing tools. This system borrows strategies from varied sources including living history, paraconceptualism, and bricolage. Chapter 2 visually documents my studio practice over the two years of my MFA candidacy at Western University. Chapter 3 is a case study of Luanne Martineau’s 2009 drawing, Who are they you salute, and that one after another salute you. This case study addresses Martineau’s engagement with Modernism’s legacy and discusses how her work builds an equitable space for both fine art and craft to occupy.

Summary for Lay Audience

This dossier contains three distinct chapters. Chapter 1 describes a system for communicating with spirits by uncovering the hidden powers of wool processing tools such as spinning wheels. Chapter 2 contains images of the artwork created over the two years of my MFA candidacy at Western University. This collection of artwork was inspired by knitted objects and knitting charts and includes drawings, sculpture, and garments. Chapter 3 is a case study of Luanne Martineau’s 2009 drawing, Who are they you salute, and that one after another salute you. This case study addresses the way Martineau’s work engages with Western art history and discusses how she combines fine art and craft.
