Master of Science
Belfry, Glen R.
The purpose was to evaluate muscle deoxygenation (Δ[HHb]), oxygen uptake (VO2), ventilation (VE), and arterialized blood lactate [La-] throughout exhaustive incremental (RAMP) and severe-intensity exercise (SI) during follicular (FOL) and luteal (LUT) menstrual phases. During RAMP, Δ[HHb]/VO2 was 65% lower in LUT below gas exchange threshold (p0.05). During SI,Δ[HHb]/VO2 was 18% lower in LUT during the kinetic phase (p0.05). No FOL/LUT differences in RAMP-performance (FOL: 218 ± 35 W; LUT: 221 ± 29 W) or SI-endurance (FOL: 99 ± 20 s; LUT: 96 ± 15 s) (p>0.05) were found. These data demonstrate that physiological differences between menstrual phases exist, however, performance is unaffected.
Recommended Citation
Smith, Jordyn L., "Menstrual Phase Differences in Muscle Deoxygenation, Respiration and Blood Lactate Concentration Do Not Influence Exercise Performance" (2019). Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository. 6175.