Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository


Master of Science




Booth, Richard


Instagram is a social media platform that enables users to share images and videos worldwide. Some nurses have utilized Instagram to document their experiences as a nurse and have subsequently gained microcelebrity status. In this qualitative content analysis, publicly accessible Instagram posts were analyzed to identify the characteristics and behaviours of nurses who have active microcelebrity status on Instagram.

Data analysis revealed five themes of Instagram posts: (a) engaging Instagram users; (b) educational opportunities and insights; (c) nursing related humour; (d) emotions experienced by nurses; and, (e) media and narratives including patient details or work context. Messages were primarily positive in nature, however, multiple potential privacy, ethical, and professional issues exist in regard to posted content. This study calls for additional research of nurses’ attainment of microcelebrity status on social media, as well as further policy development to adequately prepare nurses to navigate social media.

Included in

Nursing Commons
