Master of Engineering Science
Mechanical and Materials Engineering
Dr. Thomas R. Jenkyn
Orthotic devices are a conservative treatment for common disorders of the foot and ankle such as pes planus and pes cavus. It is thought that orthotics change the kinematics of the foot by applying forces and constraint on the plantar surface, which can act to change body biomechanics and correct for malalignment in the legs and trunk. This thesis compares the angle of the medial longitudinal arch (MLA) between three foot types: pes planus (low arch), pes cavus (high arch) and normal arch, during barefoot and shoed walking, and walking with orthotics. In-vivo bi-planar fluoroscopy was used with markerless radiostereometric analysis (RSA) to measure an angle that defines the MLA with the greatest accuracy to date. MLA angles were significantly smaller (p
Recommended Citation
Balsdon, Megan E.R., "In-Vivo Investigation of the Medial Longitudinal Arch of the Foot and Orthotic Interactions using Bi-Planar Fluoroscopy" (2012). Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository. 570.