Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository


Master of Science




Shkrum, Michael J


Motor vehicle collisions (MVCs) are a leading cause of injury and death for children under the age of 14 years in North America. Children, eight years old or younger, are required to use a child restraint system (CRS) when travelling in a vehicle in Canada. In the present study, the hypothesis that head injury severity of children in this age group, seated in rear rows of vehicles in MVCs, will be influenced by the types of restraint systems used was not supported by the data; however, other secondary aspects of collision data were explored. There were injury patterns that involved the head, thorax, and lower extremities. Head injury severity decreased when the number of rear row occupants increased. Winter cases were associated with more severe head injuries. Future studies of the relation between CRS types and designs, and trauma will be enhanced by larger sample sizes and more consistent data collection methods.
