Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository

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Master of Science




Dr. Christopher G. Guglielmo


The torpor-assisted migration hypothesis posits that during stopover bats regulate time in torpor facultatively so that daily energy expenditure is independent of ambient roosting temperature. However, direct measurements of total roosting energy expenditure in relation to ambient and body temperature are lacking. I captured migratory silver-haired bats (Lasionycteris noctivagans) at Long Point, Ontario in spring and fall 2016. I used quantitative magnetic resonance analysis to measure full-day energy expenditure of bats roosting at 10, 17 and 25°C and assessed the effects of migration season, body mass, sex and age on energy use. I found that daily energy expenditure was independent of roosting temperature, and that this was achieved by flexible torpor use. Body mass, season, sex and age all affected torpor use and energy expenditure. This study provides support for predictions of the torpor-assisted migration hypothesis and furthers our understanding of energy management at stopovers for migratory bats species.

Summary for Lay Audience

The torpor-assisted migration hypothesis posits that during stopover bats regulate time in torpor facultatively so that daily energy expenditure is independent of ambient roosting temperature. However, direct measurements of total roosting energy expenditure in relation to ambient and body temperature are lacking. I captured migratory silver-haired bats (Lasionycteris noctivagans) at Long Point, Ontario in spring and fall 2016. I used quantitative magnetic resonance analysis to measure full-day energy expenditure of bats roosting at 10, 17 and 25°C and assessed the effects of migration season, body mass, sex and age on energy use. I found that daily energy expenditure was independent of roosting temperature, and that this was achieved by flexible torpor use. Body mass, season, sex and age all affected torpor use and energy expenditure. This study provides support for predictions of the torpor-assisted migration hypothesis and furthers our understanding of energy management at stopovers for migratory bats species.

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