Master of Science
Dr. Matthew Heath
A single-bout of moderate-to-vigorous intensity exercise increases activity within frontoparietal networks, producing a temporary ‘boost’ to executive-related cognitive control – an effect that is thought to be selective to exercise durations greater than 20 minutes. It is possible that previous tasks evaluating executive control did not provide the requisite resolution to detect executive changes associated with shorter exercise durations. To that end, I had participants perform a 10-minute bout of moderate-to-vigorous intensity aerobic exercise, examining pre- and post-exercise executive control via the antisaccade task. Extensive literature has shown that antisaccades are mediated via frontoparietal networks, modulated following exercise training. Results showed that antisaccade reaction time (RT) decreased by 27 ms from pre- to post-exercise assessments, and was a finding shown to be exercise-specific. Accordingly, I propose that a 10-minute single-bout of aerobic exercise increases arousal and activity within executive-related frontoparietal networks.
Recommended Citation
Samani, Ashna, "A Single-Bout of Aerobic Exercise Improved Executive Control: Evidence From the Antisaccade Task" (2017). Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository. 4644.