"School–Work Transitions among Second-Generation Immigrants" by Awish Aslam
Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository


Master of Arts




Dr. Wolfgang Lehmann


Canadian data show that second-generation immigrants generally achieve higher levels of educational attainment when compared to the children of Canadian-born parents; however, those who are racialized experience poorer labour market outcomes, such as higher rates of underemployment, lower rates of pay, and less access to jobs with opportunities for advancement. This study uses in-depth interviews to explore the experiences of both racialized and non-racialized second-generation immigrants in their schoolwork transitions. It focuses on examining the roles of human and social capital, and the differences that racialized and non-racialized groups experience when navigating this transition. Findings highlight the value of social capital, experiential learning opportunities, and the pervasiveness of racial discrimination in the job search process. As the labour market share of young workers with an immigrant background increases, this research will help shed light on the experiences of this population, and shape policy and practice in the Canadian economy.

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