Master of Arts
Dr. Alan Salmoni
Grounded theory was used to investigate the perception of risk held by 20 women in the sandwich generation and their process to evaluate risk as caregivers for both their child and senior. The impact of their risk perception was considered as it related to their actions, the child’s and senior’s ability to engage in risk taking, their independence and quality of life. Findings suggest the same risk assessment process was used to determine if the child or senior is capable of managing the risk. The independence gained by both through risk taking is supported unless safety is a factor. As the risk increases the selected sandwich generation’s control increases and the child’s and senior’s independence decreases. The selected sandwich generation views an upward trajectory for the child’s independence and a declining trajectory for the senior’s independence although their actions support the value of independence for both.
Recommended Citation
Hines Duncliffe, Trevor J., "Risk Taking by Children and Seniors: Selected Sandwich Generation Caregiver’s Perceptions" (2016). Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository. 3932.