Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository


Doctor of Philosophy


Electrical and Computer Engineering


Raveendra Rao


Cooperative relaying has received widespread attention in recent years from both academic and industrial communities. It offers significant benefits in enabling connectivity as well as in increasing coverage, power saving, spatial diversity and channel capacity. However, one of the main limitations of the conventional cooperative relaying system is the repetition of the received data by the relays, which reduces the spectral efficiency and the data rate. In this thesis, signal space diversity (SSD) based technique is proposed to incorporate into the conventional relaying system to enhance spectral efficiency, data rate and system performance.

Firstly, SSD is introduced into a two-way cooperative relaying system with three-phase two-way decode-and-forward (DF) protocol. In this system, four symbols are exchanged in three time slots, thereby doubling the spectral efficiency and the data rate compared to the conventional three-phase two-way DF relaying system that uses six time slots to exchange the same four symbols. Next, SSD is employed in a dual-hop relaying system using DF protocol without a direct link between the source and the destination. In this system, two symbols are transmitted in three time slots as compared to four time slots to transmit the same two symbols in the conventional dual-hop DF relaying system. These proposed systems are designed to exploit the inherent diversity in the modulation signal-space by rotating and expanding the ordinary constellation. The improvement in spectral efficiency is achieved without adding extra complexity, bandwidth or transmit power. A comprehensive analysis of these proposed systems is carried out over Rayleigh fading channels, and closed-form expressions for various performance metrics, including error probability, outage probability and channel capacity, are derived and illustrated. An asymptotic approximation for the error probability is obtained and is used to illustrate the impact of system parameters and diversity gain on the system performance. The optimization of relay location and power allocation in these systems is also examined. Extensive Monte Carlo simulations are performed to ascertain the accuracy of the analytical results presented in the thesis. Indeed, it is observed that the use of SSD in cooperative relaying can play a major role in the system design and performance improvement.
