Master of Science
Dr. Jim Dickey
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between lead hip kinematics, weight bearing patterns and lumbar kinematic differences between golfers who experience golf related low back pain and golfers who do not. Methods: A total of 12 amateur male golfers were recruited, 7 without low back pain and 5 with low back pain. IRED motion capture was used to determine kinematics and two force plates were used to collect kinetic data. Results: Low back pain golfers externally rotated their lead hip significantly less during address (p= 0.048), and internally rotated their lead hip significantly more at peak follow through (p=0.030) than golfers without low back pain. Golfers with low back pain bore significantly more body weight on their rear leg (p=0.030) at peak follow through then golfers without low back pain. No statistically significant difference was found between groups for lumbar spine kinematics at any phases of the swing. Conclusion: This study identified a significant relationship between the orientation of the lead leg segment during the address position and at peak follow through with respect to golf related low back pain. These findings may be an important teaching tool for reducing the risk of golf related low back pain.
Recommended Citation
McRae, Steven K., "Lead Hip Kinematics and Weight Bearing Patterns of Amateur Golfers With and Without Low Back Pain" (2015). Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository. 3387.